Official Nail Fungus Survey Results
2018 Results
In Progress
2017 Results
Number of Respondents: | 1,205 |
How long have you had nail fungus? | |
Less Than 4 Months | |
5-12 Months | |
1+ Years | |
Have you successfully treated your nail fungus? | |
Yes | |
No | |
What treatments have you tried? | |
Oral | |
Topical | |
Surgical | |
All of the above |
Top Story – 2017
Name: Lisa S.
How long have you had nail fungus?: 1+ Years
Have you successfully treated your nail fungus?: Yes
What color is your nail fungus?: Yellow
What treatments have you tried?:Oral, Topical
What treatment did you find most effective?: Emoninail (Read Review)
Tell Us Your Nail Fungus Story:
“I first started seeing nail fungus appear when I was in my 30s (I’m 50+ now). It didn’t bother me much at first as I always kept my toenails painted and it was hardly noticeable at all. But over the years the nails started to become large and deformed. Mostly my big toe nail. I eventually went to a doctor that put me on pills. I was on the pills for 3 days before I did some of my own research and found out how dangerous they can be. Thats when I decided to do some online research and found this site (among many many others). A lot of the websites were recommending “Zeta clear” so I looked into that, and then I saw “Emoni nail” and I just trusted that website more and bought it. Started applying Emoni nail twice a day as instructed. I also filed down my infected nails as they instructed. After about 2 weeks the redness around my nails has disappeared but the nails were unchanged. I contacted emoni nial support and they said to “keep at it”. They were very responsive. After 30 days of applying the stuff I noticed my nails started to turn white-ish. Almost as if they were being stained by the treatment. It took another 2 weeks before I saw, to my delight, so normal nail growing in at the base of my big toenail. I contacted support again and they told me to keep applying until I was certain that the nail was now growing in clear and toenail fungus free. I kept applying for another week or so and sure enough the new nail growing in was PERFECT. Just like my pre-nail fungus days. I stopped the treatment and just kept cutting off the old infected nail as it grew out and eventually it was totally gone. I am now nail fungus free and wanted to help others out there by sharing my story. You have permission to post this online.”
2016 Results
Number of Respondents: | 953 |
How long have you had nail fungus? | |
Less Than 4 Months | |
5-12 Months | |
1+ Years | |
Have you successfully treated your nail fungus? | |
Yes | |
No | |
What treatments have you tried? | |
Oral | |
Topical | |
Surgical | |
All of the above |
Top Story – 2016

How long have you had nail fungus?: 1+ Years
Have you successfully treated your nail fungus?: Yes
What color is your nail fungus?: Black
What treatments have you tried?:All of the above
What treatment did you find most effective?: Topical
Tell Us Your Nail Fungus Story:
“For the longest time I truely believed my nail fungus would be incurable. I had resigned myself to accepting this was now a part of me for the rest of my life. My doctor didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with that attitude. According to him: surgery is expensive and unnecessary and the oral pills are more damaging than they are helpful. My doc even recommended I get pedicures every now and then to keep the nail in check. I found that a bit strange, where I’m from men don’t get pedicures. So after a few years of watching my nails get worse and worse I decided to take action. Used the internet browser and yahoo to find this site and how to use cream to remove nail fungus. I’ve had athletes foot plenty of times so I’m no stranger to this method. I bought emoninail which was recommended on here at the time, and it took a long time to work. I was applying every day twice a day and it still took almost 2 months before I knew for sure it was working. But at the end of the day it was worth it. I’m not nail fungus free and feeling good about it.”
2012 Results
Number of Respondents: | 879 |
How long have you had nail fungus? | |
Less Than 4 Months | |
5-12 Months | |
1+ Years | |
Have you successfully treated your nail fungus? | |
Yes | |
No | |
What treatments have you tried? | |
Oral | |
Topical | |
Surgical | |
All of the above |
Top Story – 2012

How long have you had nail fungus?: 1+ Years
Have you successfully treated your nail fungus?: Yes
What color is your nail fungus?: Yellow
What treatments have you tried?:Surgical, Topical
What treatment did you find most effective?: Topical
Tell Us Your Nail Fungus Story:
“When my doctor first noticed my nail fungus he asked if I wanted to treat it. I said no, because frankly, it did not both me much. Flash forward 25 years and I now have my kids telling me that their kids are asking why grandpa’s nails are so weird. It was not fun feeling embarrassed around my own grandkids. I went into the pediatrist and they recommended surgery. I had the money and I was promised it would be relatively painless so I had them “fix” my big toe. I was NOT painless. The recovery was terrible, I couldn’t put on socks or shoes without pain, and it last for weeks. I still had a bunch of other infected (albeit less overgrown) nails so I started searching for a better solution. Found a topical cream, Fungisil. Used it for about a month and my nails started to feel soft. About a month after that I had clear nails growing in. I think topical is the way to go but it takes patience.”
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Nail Fungus Treatment Survey